Suggestions for the Fourth Edition of “PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide”

February 22, 2011

I’m wondering what, if anything, you’d like to see in the next edition of my “PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites” book. This will be the fourth edition, which I’m going to start writing soon. The immediate plan is to update all the code for the latest version of PHP, remove references to PHP 6 (PHP 6 died since I started writing the last edition of the book), and add a “Review and Pursue” section to the end of each chapter, as I did with the fourth edition of my “PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide”. But I’m fortunate that I should have room for a new chapter, so I’m wondering what you might like to see. Ideas off the top of my head include (in no particular order):

  • Another example chapter
  • An introduction to a framework
  • A quick (very quick) introduction to object-oriented programming
  • A JavaScript primer
  • More information about Web servers (such as .htaccess files)
  • More about databases

So what would be meaningful to you? What have I missed in other editions of this book or my other work? What haven’t I covered enough?

Thanks in advance for any input you may have!