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Ch. 11 Using Unlink() With A Reset Button Possible?

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Hi group and Larry:

I was wondering if there was a way, after I have uploaded a certain file to my uploads directory, to be able to then delete it by using the 'reset' button on the form and connecting this somehow to an unlink() function? I have seen on StackOverflow where they use a link to Delete here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4844382/php-delete-file-script


but I can't get it to work either way, with a Delete link or what I think would be more sensible, just using Reset to empty the directory entirely.


Any thoughts?





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This can absolutely be done via GET. What you would do is using IDs as the get value. Save the filenames to an array on the form ID => "name". You then build links the same way, but with ?remove=$ID. You cast $_GET['id'] to an integer, find the filename in array by using the ID, build a full path where you add the filename, then use unlink() to delete the file.


An easy way to do this would be something like:


$handle = ""; // open file

$file_array = array(); // The file names

while ( ($file = readdir($handle)) !== false )
   if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..")
   $file_array[] = $file;
   } // Read files to array

// Simple delete
if ( ! empty($_GET) )

   $upload_dir = "uploadsDirectoryHere/"; // Upload dir
   $file_id = (int) $_GET['delete']; // File_array ID

   // Make sure file is found
   if ( array_key_exists($file_id, $file_array) )
	 $delete_file = $upload_dir . $file_array[$file_id];

	 // Make sure file exists
	 if ( file_exists($delete_file) )
		  unset(file_array[$file_id]); // Remove from file array
		  unlink($delete_file); // Actually delete file here

// Print out file names and links for deleting them
foreach ( $file_array as $id => $filename )
   echo $filename . '<a href="page.php?delete='.$id.'">Delete file</a>;


Not tested, but that should be the basic idea. Sorry about errors/etc. Beginning to get tired here.

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