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Crumb Trail

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I was attempting to add a crumb trail to my site that is being modeled after the second example from the book. I am new to web development and php. I found lots of examples of php crumb trails on google, but they don't quite work well with this site. I was wondering if anyone has added this functionality to a site based on the second example and if so would you mind sharing? Thanks.

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Larry once I get back to my office I'll post the php function I've been trying to modify and maybe you can point me in the right direction. It doesn't quite work because of how you hide the file names from the url. It's probaby an easy fix but I've been spinning my wheels. Thanks.

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// This function will take $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] and build a breadcrumb based on the users current path
function breadcrumbs($separator = ' » ', $home = 'Home') {
   // This gets the REQUEST_URI (/path/to/file.php), splits the string (using '/') into an array, and then filters out any empty values
   $path = array_filter(explode('/', parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH)));
   // This will build our "base URL" ... Also accounts for HTTPS 
  $base = 'http' . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/';
   // Initialize a temporary array with our breadcrumbs. (starting with our home page, which I'm assuming will be the base URL)
   $breadcrumbs = Array("<a href=\"$base\">$home</a>");
   // Find out the index for the last value in our path array
   $keys = array_keys($path);
   $last = end($keys);
   // Build the rest of the breadcrumbs
   foreach ($path AS $x => $crumb) {
    // Our "title" is the text that will be displayed (strip out .php and turn '_' into a space)
    $title = ucwords(str_replace(Array('.php', '_'), Array('', ' '), $crumb));
    // If we are not on the last index, then display an <a> tag
    if ($x != $last)
	    $breadcrumbs[] = "<a href=\"$base$crumb\">$title</a>";
    // Otherwise, just display the title (minus)
	    $breadcrumbs[] = $title;
   // Build our temporary array (pieces of bread) into one big string 
   return implode($separator, $breadcrumbs);

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