Archives For excerpt

Content decorators are a less heralded but interesting feature of the Yii framework. Content decorators allow you to hijack the view rendering process and add some additional stuff around the view file being rendered. In this excerpt from Chapter 7, “Working with Controllers,” of “The Yii Book”, I’ll explain what content decorators are and how you use them. (This does assume you have some familiarity with Yii and how it renders the complete layout.)

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Much of the work done with models involves using the methods defined within the model classes. These methods, such as rules() and relations(), are created by the code generator Gii. You’ll also add your own methods to the code generated for you. But, thanks to inheritance, there are lots of methods common to Yii models that you’ll frequently use. In this post, I want to specifically look at methods used to handle model-related events. Before looking at the usage of these methods, let’s first look at event handling in Yii in general.

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A topic critical to controllers, although not dictated within the actual controller code are routes. Routes are how URLs map to the controller and action to be invoked. Chapter 3, “A Manual for Your Yii Site,” introduced the basic concept and Chapter 4 explained how to configure the “urlManager” component to change how routes are formatted. Let’s now look at the topic in greater detail.

NOTE: This is an excerpt from Chapter 7, “Working with Controllers,” of “The Yii Book”.

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