Tour de Flex

May 30, 2009

A valuable Flex resource, in case you’re not familiar with it, is Adobe’s Tour de Flex. If you’re doing any kind of Flex development, this really is a “must have”. Besides showing off what you can do using Flex (and Adobe AIR), the Tour de Flex provides a single, simple interface for referencing:

  • Flex components (UI, containers, effects, validators, etc.)
  • Services (data and network interactions)
  • Cloud APIs (Amazon, eBay, Flickr, Google, Twitter, etc.)
  • Mapping (Google, Mapquest, Yahoo!)
  • Third-party tools

Most categories also have a “techniques” section, giving specifics for how to accomplish common tasks. There’s tons of sample code that are also visible in action, so you can easily understand how the code works in practice. And, of course, the related language reference is included.

Tour de Flex is available in both an online and desktop version (thanks to Adobe AIR for the latter).