Archives For Learning the Yii Framework

A longer series on installing, using, and customizing the Yii framework for PHP-based Web development. If you like the series, you’ll love “The Yii Book”.

Basic Model Edits in Yii

November 10, 2009
This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Learning the Yii Framework

This is the sixth post in my series on Yii, my favorite PHP framework. [intlink id=”473″ type=”post”]In the first[/intlink], I show how to download and test the framework itself. [intlink id=”563″ type=”post”]In the second[/intlink], I show how to create a basic Web application.[intlink id=”583″ type=”post”] In the third[/intlink], I walk through some configuration options. [intlink id=”607″ type=”post”]In the fourth[/intlink], I explain my database design, and how you should define it with Yii in mind. [intlink id=”622″ type=”post”]In the fifth[/intlink], I show how to use Yii’s Gii tool to create Models, Views, and Controllers in your Yii application. In this post, I walk through some of the basic edits you’ll likely make to a Model after it’s been created by Yii’s Gii tool. In doing so, you’ll also get a general introduction to the Yii Model as a whole. For some of the code, I’ll be using the employees-departments example I’ve been developing throughout these posts. You may want to reread earlier posts to get a handle on those.

(Note: In October 2010, I’ve updated this entire series to reflect changes in Yii since this series was written, and to take into account feedback provided through the comments. Some outdated material will be crossed out, but left in to reflect how things have changed since the series was begun in June 2009.)

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Basic View Edits in Yii

November 12, 2009
This entry is part 7 of 8 in the series Learning the Yii Framework

This is the seventh post in my series on Yii, my favorite PHP framework. In this post, I walk through some basic View edits you’ll make to the code auto-generated by the Yii framework. For some of the code, I’ll be using the employees-departments example I’ve been developing throughout these posts. You may want to reread earlier posts to get a handle on those.

(Note: In October 2010, I’ve updated this entire series to reflect changes in Yii since this series was written, and to take into account feedback provided through the comments. Some outdated material will be crossed out, but left in to reflect how things have changed since the series was begun in June 2009.)

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Basic Controller Edits in Yii

November 15, 2009
This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series Learning the Yii Framework

After using Yii‘s command-line and Gii tools to build an application’s base structure, and then to create its Models and crud functionality, there’s still quite a bit of customizing to do (although Yii really does perform the bulk of the work). Previous posts discuss some of the common changes one makes to Models and Views at this point in the development stage; here I’ll discuss Controllers. I have personally found that I don’t make nearly the level of alterations to my auto-generated Controllers as I do to my Models and Views. This makes sense, as the Model should have the bulk of the code, the View is the interface the end user sees, and the Controller is largely an agent between the two (see [intlink id=”453″ type=”post”]my series on the MVC architecture[/intlink] for more on this).

(Note: In October 2010, I’ve updated this entire series to reflect changes in Yii since this series was written, and to take into account feedback provided through the comments. Some outdated material will be crossed out, but left in to reflect how things have changed since the series was begun in June 2009.)

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