Archives For ajax


May 14, 2009

I StumbledUpon a notable Ajax resource recently, called Ajaxload. This site provides tools for generating an animated GIF that can be used on your site to indicate that something is loading or happening or whatever. Choose a style you like, the background color, the foreground color, and the transparency of the background, then click “Generate it!” and you have a nice, custom graphic. The site’s in beta now and is free; I’m not sure if it’ll remain so or not (hopefully it will).

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Introduction to jQuery

In this, the last post in my series on jQuery, I mention an odd lot of interesting things about jQuery that are worth knowing. Some involve specific code; others aid understanding of jQuery’s philosophy. You may or may not want to also read these earlier posts on jQuery:

  1. [intlink id=”110″ type=”post”]Incorporating jQuery into an HTML page[/intlink]
  2. [intlink id=”248″ type=”post”]Selecting page elements[/intlink]
  3. [intlink id=”261″ type=”post”]Adding event handlers[/intlink]
  4. [intlink id=”298″ type=”post”]Applying effects[/intlink]
  5. [intlink id=”300″ type=”post”]Manipulating elements[/intlink]
  6. [intlink id=”302″ type=”post”]Ajax[/intlink]
  7. [intlink id=”312″ type=”post”]Plug-ins[/intlink]

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In this, Part 7 of my (consistently delayed) series on the jQuery JavaScript framework, I talk about plug-ins you can use to expand jQuery’s features. You may want to read some of the previous six parts before getting into this one:

  1. [intlink id=”110″ type=”post”]Incorporating jQuery into an HTML page[/intlink]
  2. [intlink id=”248″ type=”post”]Selecting page elements[/intlink]
  3. [intlink id=”261″ type=”post”]Adding event handlers[/intlink]
  4. [intlink id=”298″ type=”post”]Applying effects[/intlink]
  5. [intlink id=”300″ type=”post”]Manipulating elements[/intlink]
  6. [intlink id=”302″ type=”post”]Ajax[/intlink]

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Adding Ajax with jQuery

March 29, 2009
This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Introduction to jQuery

In this, the somewhat delayed Part 6 of my series on the jQuery JavaScript framework, I talk about performing Ajax requests using jQuery. You may want to read the previous five parts before getting into this one:

  1. [intlink id=”110″ type=”post”]Incorporating jQuery into an HTML page[/intlink]
  2. [intlink id=”248″ type=”post”]Selecting page elements[/intlink]
  3. [intlink id=”261″ type=”post”]Adding event handlers[/intlink]
  4. [intlink id=”298″ type=”post”]Applying effects[/intlink]
  5. [intlink id=”300″ type=”post”]Manipulating elements[/intlink]

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This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Introduction to jQuery

If you’ve been reading my jQuery series of posts sequentially, then you saw [intlink id=”110″ type=”post”]how to incorporate jQuery into an HTML page[/intlink], learned [intlink id=”248″ type=”post”]how to select elements[/intlink] so that you can use or manipulate them, grasped [intlink id=”261″ type=”post”]how to add event handlers[/intlink], and saw [intlink id=”298″ type=”post”]some of the effects[/intlink] that can easily be applied. In this post, I discuss other ways you can manipulate document elements: by altering their CSS, changing their values and attributes, and by adding or removing elements. Although these techniques have an affect on the visual page, I’ve grouped them together here (separate from the effects post) as they’re all primarily about delivering content. Continue Reading…